
Two weeks in

I've been so overwhelmed these days, it's hard to even explain! It's been exactly two weeks since I'm here. The language barrier still makes me feel like an alien, but it is improving. Despite the weird fact there is somebody not speaking French working in the ski school, everyone's being really kind to help me get into it! 

Yesterday morning I finally went over to ski in Val d'Isere, last time there was 7 years ago! For a while it felt magic. Unreal, I didn't believe I'm in this place again. It's just hard to describe, but when you've learnt to ski in one place and then eventually it turns out that skiing becomes your lifestyle and your job, it really feels magic to get back to where you started. 

Getting used to the long hours on the mountain, almost double the amount that I would do in Austria in one day. I know by now already that evening job here is not possible (especially when you are in Uni and need to do loads of assignments!) because the day is so long, once I get back home the only things I'm thinking of is stretch, eat, have a hot bath and sleep.

Uni assignments are getting done slowly. One by one, but I can see light at the end of the tunnel, haha! Also went to the library and got some children books to read in French.

Looking forward to the upcoming week, very busy, but for sure will be very fun!

P.S. Check for picture updates on Facebook.


Tignes seasonaire

Who would've thought it'd come true? 

About 8 years ago one of my instructors Bastian said I could become an instructor. One part of me didn't believe him back then, but the other one asked questions about what are the steps. Also I remember saying back then that I want to do a season in Val eventually. And we kept on talking about it and the thought was always somewhere with me. I knew that eventually I could do it.

And here I am today. In Tignes, starting the winter as an instructor in the area where I began skiing 14 years ago. First day up on the mountain today, a few wobbly turns after a long summer break and just minutes later I was confident and motivated. Spotted a perfectly shaped mogul run and the very same moment I knew that's where I'll be spending the day! Began the new season just where I left off the previous one. Just changed the country from Austria to France. 

A new language challenge ahead. Currently in the stage of a slightly retarded dog that understands some parts of it but can't reply anything yet. Motivated to learn, though once again to all of you complaining that French don't speak English..... Yes, they do! It must be one of those Murphy laws, when you want them to speak French they go for English and vice-verso. 

As this is a new experience for me and I'm out here all on my own I decided it's time to blog again too keep those interested updated.