
Never give up on a dream.

It's what makes every Latvian do a little dance and cheer 'summer is finally here, best time of the year! You can do everything bigger, better, faster!'

In spring time I was ready to rock and roll on my board as soon as possible, but just a week before we launched the boat, my board sponsor wrote an e-mail that they are no longer into supporting me. And that means not just skipping a new board, but also taking away my old one. So much for the good start of the season! 

Having my finances planned up to cover all regular expenses plus paying debts from last winter, I can't afford to buy the equipment and making the debts bigger is also not an option. Sad of course, but I'll take it as an opportunity to move a step back and reset my priorities.

I train a lot on the trampoline, and still do a few rides in the week behind the boat. Skiing, hydrofoiling and wakeboarding. but the last one is really hard because I was so used to my board and boots and the rentals just don't bring the joy. I know I'm spoiled. But once again, this has given me the opportunity to reset my goals and how I achieve them.

Recently I've picked up two new hobbies, playing drums and horseback riding. They both really bring joy and help to set my energy and stress levels at the right place. 

Overall life is good, I have a nice job, still sporty and have time to train, now a little more into music and rhythm. What comes to wakeboarding - it's definitely not over yet. Think of it as a rehab break.

Just a few days ago I felt this urge I know what I want to do the next summer. Something I've been up to for many years in a dream level, but if the winter goes financially well, then next summer is going to be the best wakeboarding experience in my life.

Best quote I've read lately: 

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. 
The time will pass anyway.
-Earl Nightingale

Live your passion, 