
'Hello Autumn' Comp

Just as the autumn knocks at the door there was an open competition last Saturday. With 5 ladies on the start I was last off the dock so I knew exactly what I had to do to win. However this was no exceptional competition and I fell and fell on the tricks I usually don't mess up during trainings. There was only one run so they made it '3 falls allowed', and this was a lifesaver, because only after the second fall I realized I have to get it done NOW!

As I stood up I had just enough time to do the two tricks I fell on and I did. Even though it was a small event, I'm still stoked about the win!

Video footage Sep 21



Still haven't posted about Poland. I placed 6th, but I was really disappointed with my runs, because I was never able to do a stand up pass and fell on what normally should be easy tricks. Never mind that, it was a fun trip and seeing so many good riders at one place gave me the motivation to keep working hard.

Anyway, since I'm back home been training a lot of spins. Finally getting somewhere with TS 3's wake to wake and those BS 1s should be there as soon as I stop letting go off the handle.

Here's a video of the most flat session I've had this year, I had my dad driving and my mom watching and a friend filming. With the sun out it just felt good and I got everything down. Would have wanted to get the other 3s on film, but I ran out of power!




800 km took me 12 hours of driving. Split it in 8 hours, sleep at a hotel during the night, then doing the rest down to Warsaw to pick up Roberts and further to the competition site. We made it just in time to register and the trainings were on.

Nothing close to the real competition scenery, but I was happy to get in the water after all that long sitting. And I never realized how boring it can get when you're on the road on your own! Can you tell, haha?

 Rode the qualification today first off the dock in the Open Women category. Just realized it's my first time out of Jr. Women. While the boat was getting the speed up I tried to get over the fact how huge the wake behind the 2013 X-Star is, it was about twice the size I had ever ridden on! Did some parts of my run good and some parts not so good, unfortunately a double fall where it shouldn't have been. The second pass was directly against the wind and sun and I just stood there not willing to cut out because it was so rough. Nailed one trick, but fell on the second. LCQ tomorrow, I just hope it's less windy and I can really focus on doing my best and finishing the run I had planned.


Competition time

Tomorrow I'm driving off to Poland for the E&A Championships. Really excited about it and looking forward to a week full of inspiration and fun! Knowing myself around competition the only goal I've set is to finish my two passes without freaking out and messing up the easiest tricks.

 Had a tryout run yesterday and today and they went well, so hopefully I can put my brain together and do the same thing with the bib on! 

Fingers crossed for a good start and I'll keep you updated!


Doing good!

I have my own board again thanks to an amazing friend from Germany who helped me out! Been wakeboarding out there with more power than ever. Most tricks were landed first try, including switch Tantrum. Though the regular one took me at least 10 falls due to rushing, haha! 

Then about two weeks ago being over-excited I rushed one of the switch Tantrums badly and landed heavy on the second wake on my left ankle, hyper-flexing it and putting a bit of strain all the way up to the knee. Not a big deal, but I could feel the pain when I had to bend it on take-offs or landings in the gymnastics hall. This means hundreds and hundreds of 1 wake spin drills until my leg would get well again. They went so good and I was happy to land all four FS 360's in a row, since I could never do any TS 3's without over-rotating (and all attempts of a 5 always have been under-rotated, haha!)

Yesterday I started going bigger again and when I fell after my warm up jumps, my dad drove up to me and said 'hey, looks like you lost your switch toeside!' to which I had to reply 'nope, that was regular! Switch was the one that went wake to wake no problem!'  Had a good laugh at it and spent the rest of the set getting my toeside jumps fixed and a bonus at the end, landed a two wake TS BS 180 first try! Spin drills paid off, yay! 

A crazy training at the gymnastics hall in the evening and I'm stiff just about everywhere today!


Never give up on a dream.

It's what makes every Latvian do a little dance and cheer 'summer is finally here, best time of the year! You can do everything bigger, better, faster!'

In spring time I was ready to rock and roll on my board as soon as possible, but just a week before we launched the boat, my board sponsor wrote an e-mail that they are no longer into supporting me. And that means not just skipping a new board, but also taking away my old one. So much for the good start of the season! 

Having my finances planned up to cover all regular expenses plus paying debts from last winter, I can't afford to buy the equipment and making the debts bigger is also not an option. Sad of course, but I'll take it as an opportunity to move a step back and reset my priorities.

I train a lot on the trampoline, and still do a few rides in the week behind the boat. Skiing, hydrofoiling and wakeboarding. but the last one is really hard because I was so used to my board and boots and the rentals just don't bring the joy. I know I'm spoiled. But once again, this has given me the opportunity to reset my goals and how I achieve them.

Recently I've picked up two new hobbies, playing drums and horseback riding. They both really bring joy and help to set my energy and stress levels at the right place. 

Overall life is good, I have a nice job, still sporty and have time to train, now a little more into music and rhythm. What comes to wakeboarding - it's definitely not over yet. Think of it as a rehab break.

Just a few days ago I felt this urge I know what I want to do the next summer. Something I've been up to for many years in a dream level, but if the winter goes financially well, then next summer is going to be the best wakeboarding experience in my life.

Best quote I've read lately: 

Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. 
The time will pass anyway.
-Earl Nightingale

Live your passion, 


Springtime and Landes ski instructor part 2

It didn't take me long after coming back home to Riga to realize I have something very important to get done this spring! I had that now or never feeling that I must not miss this course and wait for the next year. 

It had been about two days since I came home that we planned the departure date to Austria with my brother and for the first time my mum was coming with to visit us there.

Easter week and English school group week went by fast and in no time the Landes ski instructor part 2 had begun. With 5 days of snowboard instructor level 1 it started off as a big laugh. Day to day all we did was fooling around, learning flat tricks, being taught the right sequence of snowboard basics step by step, loads of lunch entertainment, warm up games and so on. Don't get me wrong, it's a serious course, but with all my wakeboard and snowboard experience I had no doubt about passing it, so along with learning those were the most fun days in the course because I was so relaxed!

Now to skiing. First day first run off-piste in quite a fast manner for me. Second run: still off-piste! It was really tricky as the snow was a mix between soft, hard and crust, so I never knew what to expect. It for sure took a lot of energy, but it was well worth it as I would have chose way easier lines to ski down from. Good push! Then my group was going for the box and jump section, that too was great fun and I learnt some new tricks, yay! 

After lunch no more fooling around, had to ski rhythm change so they can split us into the right groups. With a bit of luck I got into Klaus's group just as in Landes ski part 1 and I was stoked! I knew it was going to be hard work until the very end of the course, but with this little skiing as I had done in the season, he was probably the only one who could get me through the course with success.

From there on it was lots of technique training and teaching methods. Comparing to part 1 this course was 10 times more intense, because the requirements are much higher and along with the three terrain skiing exams we also had to prepare for the giant slalom and 'school' runs. And all that in the same amount of time. Every day was really hard work and I felt how much I've missed out on skiing by travelling back and forth instead of doing a whole season.

For example going down the X1 route in Kitzsteinhorn with race carving??? Since I had barely done any terrain skiing this season, I was satisfied with getting down in a controlled manner with no falls. What Klaus said about it? 'Technically good, but 10x too slow. I didn't say 5x. I said 10x!!!' All I could think at that moment was 'Somebody kill me please, before skiing does!'

In the little time we went into moguls I couldn't do them as I had strained my wrist the day before. Trying going there without the poles was even worse. With tons of tape and bandage we managed to block the movement that hurts, so I got the poles back in my hands. Not for long though as on the giant slalom training I crashed. On the same wrist. I think that was the worst breaking point. For a moment I had that 200% feeling that there's no way I can make it. 

Then I found a way to motivate myself. I was thinking 'dude, you tried a Railey behind the boat in Autumn and you're still alive. Railey!!! Your worst fear in the whole world! Why are you having mental trouble with skiing? It's the easiest thing!' This thought really helped and got me going again! 

On my teaching exam I got to do build up powder skiing. Soooo stoked! The only hard thing about it was the fog! We couldn't see anything further than 20 meters. I was so dizzy and dislocated I had no idea if I can even show the exercises without falling over, hahaha! Luckily I somehow managed!

Skiing exams? First day was terrain. My worst nightmare. Honestly I had a really bad feeling about it the whole morning. And this time none of the motivating phrases worked.

Happy that it started off with rhythm change, where I had some confidence left. Next up terrain. Good start and feeling ended up with me smacking and rolling down after the 3rd turn. I think I lost my ski before I fell, but I'm not even sure. So try skiing just as fast after that! Anyway, somehow I made it to the bottom, extremely frustrated, but in one piece. Next up moguls. We had a little break in between so I practiced down the course once. And ended up landing on my other wrist. So my mogul exam run after that was a disaster. Quite embarrassing knowing that I got the best mark in Autumn. 

Next day? School runs. A completely different feeling than on terrain. Confidence. Hadn't had that much in the week. Basic carving turns, long turns and short turns. More or less, they all felt good. 

Now only the giant slalom left. I was happy we had some fresh snow during the night! I really wanted the slope to be soft! Again with that Railey motivation I stood on the start and gave it a go. Usually as I go down the beginning is really good and I start doing mistakes from the middle. This time I did the worst on the top part and actually got into the rhythm as I was in the bottom. It was really strange having a good feeling at the end of the slope. After a long wait for the results I had made it!

And in the afternoon they let us know the other results! I had made it all! So excited! The hardest 10 days in a long time, but the result was well worth it! Next season? Of course I'm going to be out there in the mountains at least good 4 months to catch up what I missed this year! Starting off with the Alpine course that I still need to do to be a full Landes instructor. Where to then? Still deciding!

BIG SHOUT OUT AND THANKS TO: my amazing snowboard and ski group! FRITZ for such a wicked time on board! KLAUS for the huge effort to improve my skiing and gaining my confidence about it back! CONNY for taping my wrist together! SVETA for the bandage, because the damn Chemists was closed! My DAD for servicing my skis and board! BENJI and GÜNTHER for giving me the best teaching exam topics! FRANZ adjusting the bindings on my new skis when I was still sleeping in the morning, haha! Camera guys and girls! And of course everyone for a great apres-ski!

Live your passion!


Where has she been all this time?

I had fantastic three weeks of mountain life in February, being on the mountain everyday!

Me and my sister both had an afternoon off, so we went skiing on our own. I was too lazy to carry the skis up, so instead I decided to do the Treppenschritt nach oben!

So happy about my friend Elīza, who made it out here for a whole month too!
Excited about meeting everyone from previous years and getting to know more awesome people!

I have no idea what's the telepathy about me and Diablo meeting in the exactly same spot on the way to Sonnenalm without any notice, but it's happened twice now!

The days I took off from ski school were so good for my skiing, trainings with Anthony and then more on our own, one day we went on a Saalbach/Hinterglemm tour.

My regular pair of skis broke, so started working with my twintips on that I would normally use either in park or sometimes moguls. Just as this happens at a short notice I get a 14 yo young man going down blacks at a decent speed. Oops!

The weeks ran quickly and I was back in Riga again!


January update

Wishing everyone a successful 2013! 

This year has begun with new ambitions and a few more clearer goals to reach in the nearest future.

I've started taking drum lessons! It's been something that has crossed my mind here and then, being involved in the dance games for so long gave me the rhythm and dancing in general most of my life has given me the passion for music.
Yesterday I had such a great day taking my 4 year old niece skiing! She did amazing! We only did a couple runs as the low temperature got out feet, but she loved it!

Not much left until I head to 3 weeks full of skiing and boarding, the thought of it keeps me going now! Also a good motivation to workout more! 

Have fun!