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One month around here in Tignes! Trying to find those extra hours every day to fit in a full time job, university, French and not to forget, the need to eat and sleep too. 

Last Saturday's snowfall blocked the roads, was my day off, so we did some powder runs and avalanche rescue training. Sunday morning still barely anyone in the village, because of traffic trouble, and the slope conditions were AMAZING! Burned my legs to the stage of jelly!

After that it turned out to be a crazy busy week. It was nice, it was fun, it was sunny, but I'm so glad it is also over. I am really looking forward to my absolute day off (no training!) tomorrow! For New Year's eve had a fabulous dinner with other instructors, can't understand the paper ball spitting tradition though, haha! 

Today skied down La Face, the slope we used to think was abnormally steep. Last time I was on it was 9 years ago and let me tell you, the difference was just as enormous. Went down top to bottom in one go, feeling even a bit disappointed. 

More skiing to do tomorrow though, really excited for it! :)