
Spain, Xtreme Gene 1

Started riding yesterday and had a super-nice first set, did most of my tricks and then started working on switch toe 3. I've landed it a few times, but it's nowhere near being consistent as I keep over rotating. So today I started going for the switch toe 540, got the spin around, but ended up back foot heavy as I obviously took off early. 

Then on the second set today I decided to give a go for the Scarecrow again, focused really well on doing it just like on the trampoline and landed my first one way out into the flats! Felt so good! Then tried Indy Tantrum, but my energy was so low by then I kept on missing the board, haha! Finished the second set with a clean Frontroll landing, so happy about that! It's only the second time this season I've done it! 

Will take my camera down for the third set so I actually have some footage from Spain. :) 
It went cloudy in the afternoon so video shooting is postponed. I had a nice third set, got that Scarecrow massive and out into the flats with the first try again! Then went for the Toeside Backroll, it's pretty close every time now, just have to fix that bending on the last part of it.

I did a lot of stretching after my set, so it's a bit easier. Then Carro and Dylan went out for a set each. Carro did insane, throwing Whirlys and Raileys like it's no big deal. With Dylan I actually had trouble recognizing tricks, had never seen a Front Mobe, so impressed!

It's moments like these when I get my inspiration, I see someone doing it, so it feels real and achievable. Looking forward to tomorrow!


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